Gabriel Foxx Martinez
Freelance Writer
Editor by day, writer by night, I am a generalist writer who seeks to tell compelling and thought-provoking stories for all to read.
Professional Projects
With roughly five years of professional experience in freelance writing, I've worked with talented folks from across the globe. Most of my work was under the guise of a ghostwriter, with some of my recent projects as a 'normal' writer.
Mr. Jacob Frost
After successfully hosting a crowdfunding campaign against the fur industry, Mr. Frost invites you to admire the view from the top floor of his privately owned tower.
Lucid Dreamer
When a 2D pop idol from a classic PC game comes to life, a second-year student and his childhood friend help her adjust to modern-day Japan while hunting for an undamaged copy of her game.
After moving to a city with magical beings, a college bachelor agrees to help a cat-like girl solve a series of criminal activities connected to her sister's disappearance.
Fear of Death
Having no recollections of the night before, four sinners must relive their darkest memories to overcome the eldritch creatures lurking in every corner of Kowloon Walled City.

Persona Rune
Surviving from a terrorist attack, a transfer student and his newfound friends travel to different planes of existence to unravel a conspiracy that tangles a rural town in Japan.
Project: Planes & Girls
In a world with floating islands and aviation being the primary source of transportation, a thrill-seeking adventurer joins a notorious squadron to make a name for herself as a pilot for hire.
Personal Projects
When I'm not working on commissions, I am practicing. A lot. Though what I show here is just a glimpse of my personal collection, I am willing to show off dozens more.
Pathologic 2: The Lost Child
In his fruitless attempt to save his village from a ravaging plague, a local doctor jumps into action when he hears the cries of an infant child.
The Wandering Huntress
Traveling to a town in the middle of nowhere, a loudmouth bounty hunter and a vengeful youth track down a man with the power to manipulate fire.
The Promise
To escape city life for spring break, two lovers, a nature enthusiast and an aspiring chef, bond on a camping trip deep in the wilderness.
Enclave of the East
In an enclave state where crime runs rampant, a private eye from a neighboring country investigates a string of disappearances believed to be the work of the elusive Hotline Killer.
A Bad Date
After picking up his crush from a heartbreaking date, a blunt and expressive young man does everything he can to get his friend to move on.
The Celtic Healer
After succumbing to his illness, a sheltered teenager wakes up in a magical land that offers him an opportunity at a second life.
I am disciplined in different writing forms, each demanding different formats and mindsets. As such, commissions vary depending on what you're looking to achieve. Note that if you commission me to ghostwrite, I FORFEIT all authorship of the written work.
Normal Price: $0.08 per word
Ghostwriting: $0.16 per wordMy bread and butter. I will write a cohesive script that is both detailed and entertaining. I intend to do whatever research is necessary to ensure the narrative conforms to the tropes in a given genre.
Webcomics & Comics
Normal Price: $0.07 per word
Ghostwriting: $0.14 per wordUsing Paul Allor's comic book format, I will emphasize shot compositions, camera angles, and attention to visual detail to make your comic book a reality.
Visual Novel Scripts
Normal Price: $0.07 per word
Ghostwriting: $0.14 per wordBecause there are so many variables to account for, scriptwriting for visual novels requires a custom-made format to work properly. Despite that, visual novel scripts are readily accessible and easily exported to any engine.
Manuscripts (Novels)
Normal Price: $0.07 per word
Ghostwriting: $0.14 per wordShort or long, I will work extensively with you to create an engaging and well-paced story that you can proudly claim as your own.
If you thoroughly enjoy my samples and need my expertise to bring your ideas to life, I am just an email away.